There is a very big difference between our heart and our head. That may sound like it is stating something very obvious. I am, however, not just talking about their relative positions in the body, and the different physiological roles they play. I am talking about where we primarily operate from in terms of the decisions we make and how we live our lives. In your life, which has led you to joy and passion most effectively, spending time in your head, or in your heart? We all know the answer to that, so my question is; what is in your heart?

There is a devastating condition which is the greatest dream killer and robber of a purposeful life, and it is called stuck-in-my-head-itis. Yes, it really is a condition, just check a medical dictionary!! Have you ever thought of an idea, had a dream, set a goal, envisioned something better for your life, got really excited, and then moved out of your heart and back into your head? What happened next? Did you over-analyse, weigh up the pros and cons, think of all the reasons why it was not a great idea and why it may be too hard to do, and then talk yourself out of it? If you did, you will join many other people who have also suffered from stuck-in-my-head-itis.

I was honoured recently to be invited by my friend Andreea to come and see the artwork she had created that was showing at an exhibition. As I walked around the exhibition, there were many paintings and works of art by many different artists, and then I came to hers. It was amazing. One in particular (the one in the photo) I stared at for an extended period, because I loved it. I looked at all of her work and was incredibly impressed. As she was explaining the inspiration behind each piece I could see the passion in her eyes and hear it in her voice. She is undoubtedly an artist in her heart and soul.

I asked how long she had been painting for, she told me that she had only just started again after a break of 27 years. Yes, you read that correctly, 27 years. Now she was painting again, I could see how happy she was, how inspired she was, and how much more meaning she had in her life. So, why, when it is something so meaningful for her, did she put it ‘on the back burner’ for so long, until now? As I asked her, I could see and hear her getting emotional. There had been some trauma in her life, triggered by painting, so to avoid it, she stopped altogether. What was happening in her head was holding her back from doing what was so deeply embedded in her heart. When she finally started painting again, she felt free and passionate and is very glad she is back doing it again. Trust me, she is great at it. Check out her Instagram page to see what I mean.

What do you currently have sitting on the ‘back-burner’, that is really a heart-felt passion for you? Why is it on the ‘back-burner’? Why have you decided it is not something you could or should do? And, now for the most important question I will ask. If you never get to it, will there be deep regret? Maybe you will never know it is something you would regret until you actually do it and then think, I am so glad I followed through, or I would definitely have regretted it.

I can tell you, being an author is something I would definitely regret if I never did it knowing now how amazing my life is as a result of actually following through. Although if I never did it, I would not know that I would regret that decision, because I would not know what I missed out on. So, you may not know if you would regret not doing something if you don’t do it. Does that make any sense? Therefore, my strongest advice is to not take any chances. Get out of your head, into your heart, and just do it. Then you will know for sure. The second worse thing after regret, is wondering what could have been if I just stopped overthinking and gave it a go.

In my wonderfully optimistic podcast this week called Be right or be happy, I speak with Ed Doherty. Ed is a 73-year-old champion who never let his head get in the way of his heart. Some of the experiences he discusses, and what he achieved because of his passion and the decision to just give things a go will delight and inspire you.

You are on this planet for a unique purpose, and that purpose is residing in your heart, not your head. Don’t let it stay buried. Don’t over-think it. Don’t logic your way out of it. Instead, feel it deeply, and before you return back into your head, act on it. What is really in your heart? That is the real you. It is your mission on earth to let your greatness shine and allow what is in your heart to see the light of day, flourish, and then fly.