Every one of us is experiencing results in our lives. In each area of life; career, relationships, financial, wellbeing, spiritual, social and the others, we are currently getting results. Those results are either abundant and joyful, or lacking and frustrating, or at some point in-between those two extremes. No matter what your experience, or your outcomes, it is vital to understand and believe that your results reveal your self-talk.

I normally tell a story about the poor results I see occurring in my life, and, there are plenty of them. However, in this blog, I want to share what is great in my life and, therefore, what is possible for me and for you. The reality is that, if things are not going the way you want in any area of your life, before you start blaming other people and/or circumstances, examine your self-talk. The answer will be there, trust me.

As you are reading this, I am in Bali, and I have just turned 60 years of age. Of all the things I am most proud of, at this stage of my life, I am most gratified by my health and wellbeing, and the joy with which I live my life. That doesn’t mean I don’t have challenges or bad days, but it does mean I have got something right. Yay me! So have you, by the way. At the age of 60, I love that I am lean, fit, healthy, energized, and excited about the next stage of my wonderful life.

For many years, since my days as a professional athlete, I have prioritised my fitness, my nutrition, my mindset, and my wellbeing. Over the years, I have had people tell me I am lucky that I have good genetics. I have been told that is easy for me because I was an athlete. I have many people justify to me why they have not and could not live the same kind of a life. I believe I am blessed, but I am not lucky. I make good choices deliberately every day. These days my routines make it predictable for me to stay in shape, but by no means is it easy. As for the justifications and excuses of others, all they need to do is examine their self-talk and they will find that they are fully responsible for the results they are currently experiencing.

This may be hard to hear, but it is very true. As I examine my own self-talk when it comes to my wellbeing, this is what I say to myself, consciously and unconsciously:

I am healthy, lean, strong and energised. I move my body, and prioritise my nutrition every single day, no matter where I am or what I am doing. I love the feeling of being optimally healthy as it helps me live my best life and be a positive role model to others. My wellbeing is the foundation of my best life, and I always make time for it. I love feeling fit and fabulous.

This is just the beginning, and if I were to examine my unconscious mind, I know I would discover even more powerful affirmations I say to myself. I identify as healthy, I live healthy, and I inspire others to live healthy. On the day I left for Bali, I was picked up at 6:15am to get to the airport. It would have been a very understandable justification, because it was so early, missing a day of exercise would be okay. However, my self-talk and identity moved me to get up at 4am to do my training anyway. I am so glad I did, and I am grateful for my self-talk in this area.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish my self-talk was as powerful in other areas of my life. The good news is that it can be, as it can be for you. It will just take some time, focus, attention, and action, and you can become anything and anyone you want. The first step is to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for every result you are experiencing in your life. Whilst you may not always be in control of what happens, you are in 100% control of how you respond and what you do as a result. That, my friend is self-talk.

Once you have taken responsibility, then you need to look at your current results and decide which one you want to change. Examine your belief systems and self-talk in that area, it will always explain the results. For example, if you are always in debt, you may be telling yourself you are not good with money, or you don’t deserve abundance. That is why you are in debt, not because of the cost of living, interest rates, or you don’t get paid enough. It is 100% self-talk.

Create a new vision for how you want it to be, start affirming that you are deserving and abundant, start taking positive action, and watch how your life changes. In my podcast this week with Sally Jimson, called A very different day, we discuss how a simple shift in self-talk and actions can transform your day and life. It is a wonderful conversation with a positive and passionate lady.

Enough from me. I am heading back to the pool for some chill out time. I want to tell you again how amazing you are and how much potential you have, to do more in your life. Just look at the results you want to get, start affirming what you want, and begin acting like the person who would. You can do this. Just remember, results always reveal self-talk.