As an author of eight books, with nine and ten on the way, I now believe every person has a story that will impact lives and needs to be heard. I didn’t always believe that, and I feel like many people would say, just as I did, who would be interested in my story? No matter how average you feel your story is, it is inspiring to others, so I hope in this blog I will help you truly believe that your story counts.
I had one of the best days I have had in a while this week. It was a moment in time and an opportunity I am glad I took advantage of. Fred and Judy live in California, and I connected with Fred to help him write and publish his book, For the Least of These. In addition to being a client, we have become great friends. Judy and Fred love cruising, and this week, their cruise from San Franscisco ported in Melbourne for the day, on its way to end up in Sydney. This was an opportunity not to be missed.
So, at 9am, soon after the ship had ported, I picked up Fred and Judy, who had never been in Australia before, and we were on our way for a wonderful adventure. It was an adventure that Judy was not prepared for. Several weeks before the visit, Fred asked if I knew any radio stations that would be willing to interview him to help promote his new book. I thought about it, and called Eric, the announcer at Vision Christian Radio, who was very open to have Fred on as a guest. So, our first stop was about an hour out of Melbourne at the Vision radio station.
Just as Eric was getting things set up, he asked me if I thought Judy would be willing to share her story as well, as the station is very interested in people’s stories. I said, there is only one way to find out. So, Eric asked Judy, and he was met with a very firm, NO, this is Fred’s interview, not mine. Have you ever heard the saying that ‘no doesn’t always mean no’? This was one of those cases. Judy, who was convinced her story was not interesting and that she would not participate, soon found herself with a microphone in her face and sharing her story alongside Fred.
As I sat there listening to Fred and Judy share their stories; their achievements, their challenges, their faith journey, their romance, and their adventures, I was mesmerised. I knew that Judy sharing was the right move, and I knew many people would resonate and be impacted by both of their stories. It reinforced to me something I already believed, and that is, every story counts. Yes, even yours. I remember my mother’s response when I told her I was going to write a book about her. She had a very interesting life, including an inspirational and courageous 15-year battle with cancer, that eventually took her life. She said to me, Andrew, how many people would be interested in my life? My book Dance Until it Rains, was published in 2011, and I speak about my mother and her journey regularly. So, the answer to that question is I don’t know the exact number. I do know it is and has impacted lives all around the world and will continue to do so for many years to come.
My mother’s story counts, and your story counts. As I was trying to convince myself that writing my own book was a good idea all those years ago – and that took some work – I realised one thing. That thing was that there were some people who would only resonate with me, my experiences, my writing style, and my story. I knew in my heart my story would help some people. That has been reinforced many times, through emails, letters, and comments, since my first book was published in 2004. My story counts, and so does yours.
What does ‘your story counts’ mean? It means that you have the ability to relate, to empathise, to inspire, to empower, to give hope, to encourage, and to influence people by simply sharing your story. You don’t have to write a book to impact lives, you just have to be authentically you. No matter how mundane you feel your story may be, trust me, it will help people if you are just willing to share some or all of it. Through your vulnerability and authenticity, you will find purpose and help many people. My podcast this week is called Seven words or less with Ian Chamandy, and it is all about finding your purpose.
We all love stories, don’t we? We love fiction stories, autobiographies, movies, and just listening to people talk about their experiences. That being an indisputable fact, why not believe that your story has the power to engage, inspire, and empower people? Start today sharing your experiences and believe in your heart that your story really counts.