Nathan was born in South Gippsland, Victoria, and was brought up drinking, at a young age, as a social norm. It was never a problem until he lost everything during covid lockdowns. He lost his job, his home and his partner, and he spiralled.

Forced to move back into his parents house (now a tiny home on their property), he started drinking as a way to cope with feeling like a failure. On Boxing day 2021, he had my last drink but still had a cocaine problem that he had acquired through the party & pleasure seeking life. He overcame that about 1 year later after having what he was told was a “psychosis” episode. 

He didn’t use any outside help to get clean, no programs, no mentors, nothing but Gym, non negotiable tasks & focusing internally on being his best version daily. His obsession with internal & external upgrades has brought him into being able help others wanting to be better individuals and change their lives through changing themselves.

This is a powerful conversation with Nathan, only 27 years of age, about the choice we get to make every day. When we stop something that is harmful and replace it with something that is helpful, things can change very quickly. Enjoy my conversation with Nathan

To find out more about Nathan and connect with him, Click here