There is a song I love called ‘Magic’, and the whole premise of its message is that we all have the magic within us. It starts with the lyric; I’ve got the magic in me. We often spend much of our time seeking answers, opportunities, and magic outside of ourselves, when it really is inside of every one of us. Would you like to know how to unlock the magic you are seeking?

Have you ever set off in pursuit of achieving something, and found yourself not really progressing the way you would have hoped? In other words, stuck with your wheels spinning? Me too. As I reflect on these many occasions for me, it often took me a while to work out why, and when I discovered it and made some simple changes, the magic happened, and things came together. So, what was the magic?

When I started out in my speaking career, soon after getting my first book published, I knew, if I was to start getting paid speaking gigs, I had to make contacts and start to promote myself as a speaker. My only problem was one little detail: fear. I was so scared, at that time in my life, of rejection. So, the thought of picking up the phone and calling to set up meetings, or to discuss what I could speak about, terrified me. With that debilitating fear in my mind, I started doing everything else I could do to market myself, except picking up the phone.

I updated my website, I posted on social media, I sent out emails, I registered for speaking agents and websites, I wrote blogs, and did anything else I could think of that didn’t put me at risk of getting a direct rejection. Have a guess at the results I got from all of my efforts. If you didn’t guess, they were distinctly underwhelming. Why weren’t people responding to me? Why didn’t anyone see the incredible potential in me? Why weren’t people booking me for speaking opportunities? These and many other questions were racing through my mind.

As I was pondering my dilemma, I was also listening to a podcast about getting results, creating abundance, and impacting lives. As I was listening, the speaker made a statement that I didn’t like, but deep down I knew was true. I really knew I needed to pick up the phone, but it wasn’t until I heard this statement that I resolved to actually do it. The statement was: the magic you are seeking is in the work you are avoiding. Ouch! I think I need to repeat that in big bold letters for me as much as for you…

The magic you are seeking is in the work you are avoiding!

In other words, there is no magic. Everything I want is based on what I am willing to do, and if I leave out any part of the essential process then I will end up frustrated and lacking. So, after hearing that, I took my thumb out of my mouth, put my big boy pants on, and, trembling with fear, started making phone calls. Guess what happened. Yep, you guessed it, that very first day, I spoke to a gentleman who ran a business networking group, and he liked what I suggested. In less than two weeks from that call, I was standing on stage at the Crown Casino in Melbourne talking to several hundred people in his business group. That started my speaking journey, one which has taken me around Australia and the world.

The magic was most definitely in the work I was avoiding. As soon as I started doing the uncomfortable and necessary work, the results started coming abundantly. It seemed like magic, but there was no magic in it at all. I stopped avoiding and did what I needed to do. So, now here comes the uncomfortable part of the blog for you. What are you avoiding right now that will bring the magic into your life if you were to take action? A tough question to answer, and an important decision to make. Essential however, if you want the magic to appear and create the life you desire.

As you are reading this, I know you are thinking about a particular area of your life that is currently lacking the magic. I also know that you know what work you are avoiding that would immediately change things for you, if you were to just start applying. I can tell you from my experience, making the calls was nowhere near as scary about thinking about and avoiding the calls. And, the results were worlds apart and will be for you if you choose to do the work you have been avoiding.

In my podcast this week with Ian Westmoreland called Use your strengths, I was so inspired by the courage Ian took to find meaning, purpose, and joy in his life. The magic he was seeking appeared the moment he made the decision to start doing what he needed to do. The same will be true for you. Please spend some time looking at what you are currently avoiding and imagining the magic that will appear as soon as you start doing it. Is it worth it? You will only know when you do it. Trust me, the magic is waiting there for you.