Because of his very analytical right-brain thinking, Matheo Galatis was formally trained as a Chartered Accountant with experience in mining, banking, retail and distribution. However, what his educational advice failed to take into account was that this career was not his passion, not did it energise or excite him. Consequently, Matheo spent an immense amount of time learning and studying various disciplines of healing and human potential. He has immersed himself in diverse personal development programs some of which he now facilitates.

He has personally trained over 200 consciousness coaches, has mentored over 40 coaches and has also trained and examined high performance transformational trainers and teams internationally. He has lead group transformational training programs for over 3000 participants in public courses, organisational trainings and retreats since 2012. Matheo is also a coach examiner and coach supervisor. He has worked with clients from 27 different countries, ranging from successful CEO’s, political and public personalities, executives, coaches, trainers, therapists and entrepreneurs.

What blew me away in this conversation Matheo was his perspective around self-worth and living a true and authentic life. When the truth is revealed, Matheo believes real communication and transformation can occur. He is currently writing a book on how to increase self-worth and transform feelings of unworthiness, and believes when we resolve our past, we allow ourselves to pursue our true potential. Matheo is taking the personal development industry to a whole new level by supporting people to find what he calls ‘your transformational why’ – the one thing that usually prevents them from getting unstuck and achieving their life ambitions. This is a powerful, inspiring and wonderful conversation you do not want to miss.

To find out more about Matheo Click here

Thanks to Pietro and the team at Fitii for sponsoring this podcast. Go to the website