Madonna Santa is a trauma counselor, wellness coach, mentor and public speaker and runs an online platform focused on mental health and empowerment. She also hosts her podcast ‘Conversations with Madonna’, where she her guests from all over the world speak on all topics ranging from world events to mental, physical and spiritual health. She has had a 26 year career is community services, public speaking, running women’s groups and leadership programs, teaching in the tertiary sector and now runs her own counselling practice working with people who experience trauma, PTSD, narcissistic abuse and anxiety, and is about to write her first book.
Her approach to therapy is different in that she works herself out of a job, not keeping you in therapy for years but using techniques she has learned in her studies and research on neuroplasticity, psychology and holistic energy work to facilitate you into ‘Creating the Life you Deserve’. Madonna has helped thousands of people shift trauma, no matter what background or situations they have been in. It has been her experience throughout her 26 years in the industry and also her own personal experiences, no matter what circumstances have created trauma, anxiety or dis-ease, with the right tools in your toolkit for life, you can thrive rather than survive.
Madonna is living proof of her methods working, having been told at the age of 30 she would never walk again after the doctors who administered a spinal block during the delivery of her daughter made a mistake that resulted in her being incapacitated, experiencing chronic pain, fatigue and consequently being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, chronic migraines and a heart condition. This did not stop her from reaching her goals and creating the life she deserves. It propelled her into a journey of healing, understanding how the medical model of health, whilst helpful for acute illness, is far behind ancient wisdom and natural medicines, especially when it comes to women’s health. She discovered the true power of mind over matter, applied it to her life and lives a healthy and dynamic life and wants to share that with other’s so they too, can thrive rather than just survive through their lives.
Having a background in behavioural studies, community development and psychology, Madonna researched how to use neuroplasticity and wonder words to bring her back to wellness and it is her life’s mission to help other’s do the same. With her no nonsense, dynamic and inspirational way of imparting information, Madonna will have you focused, energised, bouncing back to health and creating the life you deserve in no time.
More information about Madonna’s podcast, click here.
To attend an online event ‘Create More in 2024‘ on January 27, Click here