Amanda Campbell is the founder of Bend Like Bamboo, a program designed to maximise resilience and health. As a Sports Kinesiologist and Motivational Speaker, Amanda is one of Australia’s leading experts on resilience. She believes that flexibility builds resilience, allowing us to re-imagine what can be possible in our mind, body and life. Overcoming a paralysis at age 29 from MS she discovered that a flexible mindset impacts everything that matters: our body’s ability to repair, how happy and resilient we are and how connected we feel.
My conversation with Amanda left me inspired beyond belief. Speaking of belief, she discusses, in great detail, the moment when things started to immediately change for the better in her life after she chose to believe she would conquer the MS doctors told her she would not recover from. With incredible courage, she started to believe she would walk again, and today she is running, literally and figuratively as she helps people all around the world live their best life.
In this podcast, in addition to her inspiring story, Amanda shares her formula for resilience, and, a powerful mindset tip, nutrition tip and exercise tip that will help you get started on your journey to optimal wellbeing and a life of joyful longevity. This is a podcast you do not want to miss.
Amanda can be contacted at
I want to thank the team at BestBeing for sponsoring this podcast. they can be found at .