Aldwyn Altuney has a long and celebrated career in the media. She is known as ‘Media Queen’ and has over 35 years experience in TV, radio, print and online media worldwide. She is an online TV Show Host (Media Mastery Show, Star Xpose TV, Truth Xpose TV, Business Xpose TV, Health Xpose TV, Travel Xpose TV, Movie Review TV & Animal Action TV) and is the director of AA Xposé Media. She is co-host TechWebcast podcast, which has had about 1 million downloads on iTunes in 7 years and is a Mass Media Mastery program founder/ trainer.
In addition to that, Aldwyn is a speaker, author, editor, writer, MC and Voice Over artist and has been an actress in theatre, short films, TV advertisements and feature films. She is the founder of Animal Action Events, raising more than $20,000 for various animal charities since 2007 and gaining millions of dollars of free media exposure for the humane treatment of animals worldwide. To top it off, she is a former Australian table tennis representative
Aldwyn is the founder of the Global Good News Challenge and is an evangelist, spreading the truth and good news. Her focus is very much about decreasing depression and suicide rates by inspiring more positive news stories in the mass media and helping people live a life of joy, gratitude and success. She is honest, feisty and passionate and you will love this conversation.
Find out more about Aldwyn here.
Find out about the Global Good News Challenge here.
Thanks to Pietro and the team at Fitii for sponsoring this podcast. Go to the website