Jamie Ryder was gifted with the (dis) ability of dyslexia. This reduced his ability in reading and spelling, and it super charged his ability to see patterns. He sees through problems, tragedy & negativity and clearly see an opportunity, solution & possibility. Having this (dis) ability is hugely powerful, however, learning it for him has been a wild ride.​

For Jamie, winning was everything, as a cowboy, a financial planner, a businessman and entrepreneur. His opponent wasn’t his enemy, he had become his own enemy. At his core he felt 2nd place was the first loser. He saw loss as him being a loser, he saw failure as worse than loss and had created his own false reality that loss & failure would define him as such. How wrong he was. He found himself through tragedy, won through loss and succeeded though failure. He gained perception, value, depth, meaning, experience, character and humility. And through this he found his purpose.

Since that time, Jamie has clocked up almost 250,000 connections on TikTok, is an empowering mindset coach and is an engaging and inspiring speaker. Finding gratitude when adversity hits  is one of his specialties, and as a result of his dyslexia, being able to see solutions enables him to help many people. If you want to overcome challenges and trauma in your life, and create abundance, then this is a conversation you must hear.

Find out more about Jamie here.

Take advantage of his FREE 45-min discovery session here

Thanks to Pietro and the team at Fitii for sponsoring this podcast. Go to the website