Zane Landin is from Chino, California, now living in Washington DC. He graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Public Relations, and has worked at places like USAID, NASA, and General Motors. He is a mental health and disability advocate, queer rights activist, entrepreneur, and positive change maker. He identifies as Hispanic, Queer, and Disabled. 

From the dawn of childhood, he was always on a path to finding his personal identity. From an early age, he experienced depression and anxiety. This really impacted how he viewed myself and was an ongoing battle. He always felt something was wrong because he never seemed to “fit in” wherever he went. He was always more sensitive than most people, which was constantly pointed out. Even today, he tends to feel isolated and alone. He continually challenges himself by putting himself out there and trying new things. He explains that it can be emotionally exhausting, and when he reaches those moments, he sets boundaries for my mental wellness. 

He is now the founder of PositiveVibes Magazine, a digital magazine dedicated to telling authentic stories about mental health, wellness, and inspiration. He is also the founder and President of Landing Dreams PR, a consulting business working with media and mental health advocates. He attended the first-ever Mental Health Youth Action Forum in Washington, D.C., where he met President Biden, Selena Gomez, Dr. Murthy, and Dr. Biden. Out of hundreds of applications, only 30 young advocates across the country were selected to advocate for mental health. He was one of them.

Zane is a passionate storyteller who regularly writes about wellness, psychology, and culture for the Power of Positivity, Entrepreneur, and Lady Gaga’s Channel Kindness. His writing has appeared in several other publications. What inspires him the most is storytelling and how we can leverage powerful stories to create a more inclusive world for all to thrive. His work has appeared on over 50 platforms like Seek the Joy Podcast, Forbes, Buzzfeed, and Coming from the Heart. This conversation with Zane and his story is one that will impact your life, so strap yourself in and enjoy.

To find out more about Zane, Click here.

To check out PositiveVibes Mag’, Click here.