I created this page to help you make your journey profoundly life-changing
Sometimes success comes from the strangest places – we often think the steps to achieving what we want are easy. Well, they are simple, but certainly not easy. You need to be continuously working on yourself.
Your success comes through:
– Identifying your priorities,
– Mastering your emotions,
– Maximising your potential,
– Winning the day
– Taking consistent action, and
– Dancing until it rains!
This page contains tools to help you do all of that.
Building the foundation for success
What most people believe they need to get good at to be a successful published author is actually not what is required. We can all write and we can all be successful. What stops us is; our thinking, our beliefs, our self-image and our focus.
These documents will help you to develop a strong foundation of focus and belief to help you achieve your dream of being a published author.
Prioritising the time to write your book
Unless you make time it won’t happen! The time is there, you just need to prioritise it and utilise it. This tool will help:
The roadmap to success
Developing a clear and concise chapter outline will save you much time energy and confusion. It is the secret to clearing ‘writers block’. Follow the plan and you will be excited, write freely and love the process.
Author Media Kit
Once an author, you will need your own media kit to send to publishers, media and other people you are trying gain interest in you and your book.
Download Andrew’s Media Kit – this is an example of how to structure your profile information.
Download the Media Kit template – use this template to put your own information into. Put in as much or as little as your are comfortable with.
Win the day
This 90 minute funshop is specifically for people who would like to learn the simple and predictable process to create incredible success as an author, and in any area of life. It all happens in each day.
Write a book publishers want
A 90 minute funshop specifically for people who are looking to get published traditionally, and want to know what publishers are looking for. This includes suggestions from three successful publishers and one successful editor.
I have my book, what now?
This 90 minute funshop is specifically for people who have a published book and want to know how to leverage it to create a purpose-driven, passionate and profitable venture.
Cutting Though The Publishing Confusion
This 90-minute video funshop, is specifically for people who are looking to get published, are confused by all the conflicting information and want some answers to make the right decision for themselves.
Writing a killer Synopsis & Cover letter for publishers
In this video, I discuss how to write a synopsis and cover letter to increase your chances of getting a publisher to invest in your book and help you make you dream of becoming a published author come true.
The habit of writing every day
In this video, I’m reflecting on my year of 2017, when I wrote at least 500 words every single day for 365 days… The benefits, the challenges and the results.
Linking into LinkedIn
An inspiring and informative 70-min funshop discussing the power of LinkedIn, as a platform, and a strategy to use it for; connecting with great people, getting your message out, creating business success and making money.
Supporting documents:
What Andrew Can Do For You
Get in touch with Andrew
Mobile: +61 414 973 315
Email: info@andrewjobling.com.au
Copyright © 2020 Andrew Jobling
A compelling and entertaining speaker and educator who will ignite the power within to achieve health, happiness and prosperity.
As a best-selling author, Andrew can guide you to holding your published book in your hands, and getting the results in life you want.
The unlikely author. Encounter a broad collection of books written by Andrew Jobling and delve into his blog containing vital life lessons.
About Andrew
Discover Andrew's story and follow his self development journey that motivated him to empower others to achieve greatness.