Amanda Webster suffered trauma after trauma in her younger years which led to some serious mindset and emotional challenges. Years of therapy, prescriptions, journaling, Yoga and self-help books still left her struggling with unmanageable clinical depression that she masked with drugs, alcohol and self-harm. It got to the point where she stood on the window ledge of a foreign hotel room, ready to end her life. Fate stepped in, by way of a song, and moved her to step off that ledge and choose to give life and happiness one more chance.
It took a careful and mindful combination of nutrition, fitness and lifestyle changes, but she overcame depression and suicide on her own terms. She found the answers to help her choose happiness, despite the tragedy in her life, and consequently she went on to develop her five puzzle pieces to boost happiness. She has helped countless others make sustainable changes that have drastically improved their mental and physical health and, thus, their lives.
It is Amanda’s personal mission to help as many people as possible, whether they’ve tried everything else and are feeling lost and defeated, or simply want to reach their highest potential of happiness and self-fulfilment. She is an incredibly wise and powerful communicator, so I know you will enjoy my conversation with Amanda Webster.
Take advantage of Amanda’s generous offer on her website at
I want to thank the team at BestBeing for sponsoring this podcast. they can be found at .
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