I think it would be fair to say we all want more of something in our lives. Whether that be more time, more health, more money, more opportunities, more connection, more love, more peace, or more of just about anything you can think of. I know I do. Often, we think, if we want more, we have to work harder, sleep less, and sacrifice more. There is an easier way, simply ask the people who can help you get more of what you want. If we know we would get more by just asking, why do we resist doing it? From my point of view, it has been fear of rejection, and I think that probably applies to many people. What if I told you, if you ask for something, you can never lose? What if I told you, if you ask for something you will receive?
I am currently reading the book Rejection Proof, by Jia Jiang. An awesome book. In it, he talks about research showing that the body responds in the same way to getting a social rejection as it does to receiving a physical trauma. When physical pain is experienced, the brain releases natural painkilling chemicals called opioids. Incredibly, the same chemicals are released when social rejection is experienced. This is how serious and traumatic we, as humans, consider rejection. So, how then do we remove the pain of rejection? Simple, by just understanding and believing that whenever we ask for something we will receive a positive response, no matter what that response is.
My friend Eva and I are organising a tribute and celebration for an incredible lady. Brenda has just turned 85 and has lived in the same house in the suburb of St Kilda, where I also live, for more than 60 years. She is part of the fabric of St Kilda, has overcome more than most, has done so much for this community, and is a lady full of spunk and moxie (as I wrote about in my blog Bringing moxie back). This event on July 16 is an open invitation, as we just want lots of people to be there (including you, if you are in the area). We decided to run a raffle to cover costs and donate any surplus to a charity of Brenda’s choice.
All we need are donations for the raffle. I am happy to give some books, but that alone won’t do it. So, Eva and I decided we needed to go an ask local businesses if they would be willing and open to donate goods and/or services for our raffle. Immediately, I was terrified. Why? Rejection. What if they said no? What if they laughed at us? What if they told us to ‘F’ off? I could feel the opioids starting to be produced to protect me from the pain I was expecting to feel. The good news was, Eva was with me, so we would go down together. We went to the first place, a restaurant-bar, and asked, and we got a $30 voucher. Yahoo! We asked and we received. The second place we went to was Zoma Beauty Salon, and the lovely owner Shazia gave us a $50 voucher. Yippee! We asked and we received. We went to another shop, asked, and got some products for a hamper. Hooray! We asked and we received.
We were on fire and feeling unstoppable. However, we did face some rejection, and even though we didn’t receive a donation, we did receive valuable gifts. At one place we received a connection with a person we had never met before. At another place, I was told in no uncertain terms they would not donate. So, what did I receive then? I received knowledge of the fact I could survive a tough rejection. It also helped me refine my approach for the next attempt. So, I received feedback, awareness, and a better way to go about this task. That is invaluable, and almost more precious than a donation. So, what I discovered on this adventure, no matter what I ask for, and no matter what the response I get is, I will always receive something great.
In my podcast this week with Dr Ryan Peebles called, Healed on day one, we discuss how people are receiving healing from back pain, when they ask, and then when they follow a simple movement plan. This is a wonderful conversation, as we talk more about the mindset of back pain and how to focus that mindset to recover from it than anything else. When you apply your mind and believe that no matter what you ask for you will receive, amazing things will come into your life.
Moving forward this week, I want to encourage you to look for an easier and better way to do the things you are doing to create whatever it is you are aspiring to. The best way I know to do that is to ask others for something that will help. When you ask, knowing deep in your heart, you will receive a response, no matter what it is, that will enhance your life, you will ask with abandon and receive in abundance. Ask and receive today.
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